A Very Special Christmas Gift

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I’m not sure when you’ll actually be seeing this as we will be on vacation without internet <gasp!>.  So while I enjoy my third Mai Tai of the day and bask in the warm sunshine of the Caribbean (White Christmas is overrated, unless you’re talking about sand), I will of course be thinking of work, the giant pile of unpacked boxes that remain, the many project we haven’t done, all 5 of my nice readers. Thanks for following along thus far.  I hope to be more prolific with the blog in the New Year. When I get organized.

Don’t mind the noise, that’s just my husband laughing his head off.

Anyway, I wanted to give you all a little something.  Lots of blogs have fancy giveaways, where you can win nice prizes.  This is not one of those blogs.  Also, having only one winner would leave the other four of you out in the cold.

I wanted to give you a gift that would endure the test of time.  To show you how much I really care.  To demonstrate the levels to which I will sink to entertain the masses, I present my gift to you:

Revenge of the 1970’s: (You have vision insurance, right?)

Your retinas can thank me later.  Heck, just send me the bill.

And because I truly have no shame, this:

Yes, I just posted a picture of my hideous yellow toilet on the internet.  I have no shame.  Merry Christmas everyone!

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11 Responses to A Very Special Christmas Gift

  1. Dena says:

    Love it! Merry Christmas to you guys.

  2. Julie says:

    You are hilarious, Becky! I think my retinas are still intact. Whew! Hope you guys are having a fabulous trip!

    • ourpile says:

      Julie– Thanks so much! I am totally enjoying your blog too- so fascinating seeing such a different way of life! I loved how honest you were about not wanting to eat food that had been sitting out for so long!

  3. Becky says:

    The wallpaper reminds me of what my grandma (Dad’s mom) had in their house in the country in Mississippi – built in the late 70’s. Cabinets look the same, too! Ahhh, memories…

  4. Lisa says:

    Happy New Year! I love the ceilings and will probably need your painter’s name:)

    Now, you can up your readers to 6. . .since I finally caught up:)

  5. Emily says:

    Becky, I love reading this blog so thanks for the time you put into it. However, I am going through withdrawal and require an update! Hey, it’s your own fault…. 🙂

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